
Monday, December 28, 2015

PhD Studentships

Below are details of some studentship opportunities. The three Stirling ones are open to potential supervisors to apply for and if you are currently speaking to a supervisor here or about to get in touch they are worth asking about. The key mechanism to apply for funding from the student perspective is through the ESRC. Details of ESRC PhD studentship funding is available on the following website. Please read carefully the rules about eligibility. If you are interested in applying for funding to work with us feel free to get in touch. The second scheme below may be of interest to potential non-academic partners.

University of Stirling Research Studentships
The University of Stirling Research Studentships will support outstanding novel  research projects that can demonstrate a link to the Universities strategic priorities. The University will provide the costs of a three year PhD, fees at Home/EU rate, and the standard stipend and research expenses (at RCUK rates).

University of Stirling Collaborative Research Studentships
The University of Stirling Collaborative Research Studentships will support cutting edge research projects which are delivered in collaboration with companies, focused on developing innovative solutions to business challenges, and provide research experience in academic and business environments.  Each scholarship will provide funding for tuition fees, a stipend to cover living expenses, and research costs for a four year PhD project.  The University will fund the cost of fees (Home/EU rate) and the standard stipend (RCUK rates).  The company partner will provide minimum funding of £7,000 per annum of which £3,000 will be used to enhance the student’s stipend, £1,000 to provide a programme of research and business skills training, and £3,000 towards the research costs of the project.Projects must be developed jointly between the company and the relevant Academic School(s) in order to ensure that they are focused on a clear business problem or research challenge.  Supervision will be provided by an academic supervisor and an industrial supervisor from the company partner.  The student will be based in the University, but the company is expected to provide a placement at its premises of between 6 and 18 months duration.  The arrangements for the placement can be flexible as appropriate to the needs of the project, but must form a substantial part of the research environment and training.

University of Stirling International Research Studentships
The former Overseas Research Scholarship Award Schemes (ORSAS) operated by the UK and Scottish Governments were highly successful in attracting excellent international candidates to doctoral study and the University benefitted from a number of awards under the scheme.  ORSAS provided funding to meet the difference between Home/EU and Overseas Tuition Fee rates, thereby attracting international students of the calibre necessary to secure significant funding from governmental and other organisations in their home countries. The University of Stirling International Research Studentship scheme will support outstanding international (non-EU) students to undertake PhD research within the University.  The Studentships will meet the cost of the difference between Home/EU and Overseas Tuition Fees.

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