
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Links 22/12/2015 and Update on Stirling Behavioural Science Centre

Thanks for reading over the year. Has not been the most active year on the blog partly due to things being very active in the research group. Look forward to posting more regularly throughout the next few months. As always open to suggestions. In terms of the research group, we are now a core group of 18 researchers ranging from PhD student to Professor organised around a weekly research meeting and seminar and a range of internal and external collaborations as well as a teaching programme and a sporadic internship scheme. We have an active programme of events planned throughout the first half of 2016 culminating in our second annual PhD conference and behavioural science workshop in June. Professor David Laibson has agreed to keynote this event and we will issue a call for PhD papers early in 2016. The June 2015 event was very successful and we look forward to bringing people to Stirling again. We are also continuing a range of internal and externally-funded projects and we are currently also recruiting onto our MSc programme for 2016/2017. We are also happy to talk to prospective PhD candidates in this area and the best indication of whether you would be interested in working here is to look at our publications page and see if this work is what interests you. We will also launch more external partnership projects in 2016 and are very open to collaboration with non-academic bodies on behavioural science projects. Thanks to the many readers who have supported the development of this research centre in countless ways and we look forward to continuing things in 2016.

1. Alex Tabarrok's post on Roland Fryer's seminar on education, inequality and incentives and the seminar itself are really worth looking at.

2. Ed Diener responds to the Million Women Study paper on well-being and mortality. Debate well worth following.

3. PNAS paper on the use of prediction markets to predict the replicability of scientific studies.

4. UK government review of REF and research funding 

5. BMJ paper on the health penalty to getting elected to high political office

6. Striking work by Mokyr & UCD's Cormac O'Grada & Morgan Kelly on role of nutrition/health in UK industrial revolution

7. On the quantity-quality trade-off for public policy trials. Very interesting blogpost by Chris Blattman

8. Lancet paper by Wykes and several others on research priorities for mental health in Europe

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