Thursday, July 03, 2008

Risk of losing our ‘best and brightest’

In today's Irish Examiner it is reported that "Ireland is at risk of losing its most talented students unless the state creates permanent research positions, according to one of the country’s most eminent educationalists. Newly-retired Higher Education and Training Awards Council chief executive, Séamus Puirséil, warns: 'The brightest and the best of our students are going into science, but it will destroy the nation’s morale if there are no jobs for these people at the end of their studies'."

Read the full story here.

1 comment:

Kevin Denny said...

I wonder what the evidence is for the statement that "The brightest and the best of our students are going into science" The points requirement (which is only a minimum I know) for general science in UCD is very low: basically if you can spell, you are in. Of course there are lots of designated entry degrees which are more difficult to get into.My sense is that the trend here mirrors that in the UK : kids don't want to do science. Perhaps this is a rational response to low returns to science degrees.