Saturday, July 05, 2008

ESRC National Centre for Research Methods

The Conference of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods in Oxford took place during the week. The website of the Centre is below:

The programme for the conference is below and worth scanning, particularly if you are working on "mixed-methods" type work.

Some of their publications are below including one on mixed methods - for better or worse i can never see this approach having any impact in economics. Ive blogged before about a couple of researchers in economics who have used qualitative interviewing with decision makers to examine the plausability of various theories and there are also some people interested in philosophy of science issues in economics who take a somewhat qualitative stance. But, in general, the likelihood that methods such as semi-structured interviews, focus groups etc., would ever be accepted as solid evidence in mainstream economics journals seems low based on current evidence. Though techniques like verbal protocol analysis might become more common in empirical decision making studies.

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