Just Jack...sittin in an econometrics lecture- the lecturer is a bit of a nerd (but a nice guy!).not the most exciting of subjects so its usually fairly quiet/sleepy.We're lookin at an equation up on the screen that has a Y* in it when out of nowhere he starts singin:"now why d'you wanna go and put stars on their y's" do do do do do doooo!we all broke our shites laughin! Overheard on Monday, 07th May 2007 - UCD Theatre N by Anonymous
See the inspiration here:
ah yea, brilliantly recrafted by a nerdy Dublin econometrics lecturer (with help from his TA and RA's) in to a heartfelt dissection of the rationale of the latent variable in the probit.
not as bad as an economics prof who shall remain nameless who introdced to the classic John Lennon song "Just a GLS guy".
I was feeling kinda sad
My instruments were very bad..
I began to lose precision
I began to lose precision
I didn't mean to under-estimate you
I'm sorry that you were attenuated
I didn't want to treat you as exogenous
I'm just a GLS guy..
that's going to be hard to beat -
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