Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Volunteers sought for blindness study

A new research group has been set up at WIT and it wants 1,000 volunteers aged between 20 and 40 to be monitored over the next 20 years to find out how best to combat the most common cause of blindness in the Western world. See more here.

1 comment:

Liam Delaney said...

If 70,000 people have it out of population of (taking out younger people) 2 million, that's about 4 per cent which will give them a sample of about 40 who have it (maybe as high as 120 if the rate of undetection is what's cited in the article). Will be very difficult to establish a causal link although it may be the case that these types of relationships are more tightly pinned down than the ones we look at. Their website is worth having a look at
