Thursday, March 15, 2007

Binge drinking highest in Ireland, Britain, Finland, according to EU survey

In a European Union survey on alcohol consumption released yesterday, it was found that almost one in five Europeans between the ages of 15 and 24 drink five or more alcoholic beverages in one session. This is interesting contextualisation for our findings from last springs's survey on student drinking behaviour.

See more about the survey here. The EU poll, which questioned 28,584 people, defined binge drinking as when more than five alcoholic drinks are consumed in the one sitting. This seems to be quite a lenient definition of binge-srinking, assuming that they are not referring to the consumption of five units per sitting.


Liam Delaney said...

I am leaving my comment here on St Patrick's day. It would be interesting to figure out the total proportion of irish alcohol is made up of consumpton on special event days.

Kevin Denny said...

If you change the definition of binge drinking from say 5 to 7 units,does the ranking change?

Dave said...

I am commenting from France where people in bars typically order a glass of beer (less than half a pint) and a pint is unheard of since 1789. A "drink" seems quite an arbitrary measure but given the Irish predilection for a pint of plain, the bias would tend to understate Irish drinking