Thursday, March 22, 2007

ROSLA in the UK?

I don't know the extent to which this announcement ties in with the stated objective of Gordon Brown to target scarce resources at education (this is in light of the proposed rise in UK govt spending by 2% per year from 2008, which is half the rate of growth of the current round). If the rationale is to yield maximum benefit, I presume there's been rigorous costing and forecasting before they announce this emphasis on skills. I don't know if it serves a counterpoint to Ireland's fourth-level investment, but interestingly, skilled workers in manual trades of the former COMECON states are able to enter the UK in large numbers and have indeed done so - is this a new type of technology worker that DfES and the CBI want to produce?


Liam Delaney said...

interesting stuff. there are tonnes of papers (Colms is one of the best known) looking at the 1972 ROSLA in the UK. This one will no doubt generate tonnes more.

Kevin Denny said...

Theres an ethical issue about forcing people to stay in education till 18. If they can choose to have sex at 16 or 17 why can't they choose to leave school?
Also forcing kids to be in education when they do not want to can be counter-productive: it fills the classes with gurriers.