Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Paper by Benabou and Tirole

Benabou and Tirole have done some amazing work integrating economics with psychology, in particular theories of identity. Below is a link to their latest work, which is breathtaking in scope.

Who would ever have thought that the following paragraph would appear in a cutting-edge economics paper

"males subjects who were told by the experimenters that their score on a personality test was so atypical as to place them squarely in the female part of the distribution were subsequently much more likely than the control group to harass a female (but not a male) chat-line user by sending her pornographic images. This effect was further accentuated when she (a confederate) had previously described herself as a professionally ambitious feminist rather than a meek, family oriented traditionalist; it was also more pronounced, the more the subjects had initially self rated themselves as masculine."

Seriously though, this is one to devote some time to

1 comment:

Kevin Denny said...

right liam,just be careful who you send images to