Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Many Hours Did You Sleep Last Night?

A new study shows that getting the right amount of sleep may help kids to avoid developing an obesity problem.

This lends credence to Liam's endeavours when he asks survey respondents about how much sleep they get.

By the way, can't seem to embed a weblink in the text of a word anymore.


Kevin Denny said...

If you are interested in sleep (reading about it, that is) there's a nice book by Stan Coren: The Sleep Thieves.He's a psychologist who has does lots on handedness & dog psychology. His chapter on "Asleep in the cockpit" may make you think twice about flying again.
I don't know anything about the economics of sleep, although Hamermesh has done some stuff on how moving the clock back/forward by an hour changes time use.

Anonymous said...

Doing studies of individual time use in weeks before and after the clock moves back (and forward) would be really interesting. One to bear in mind...

Kevin Denny said...

Coren has a paper that shows more motor accidents when the clock goes forward (Spring) and you lose an hours sleep and possibly the autumn too.
I think Hamermesh finds that women do less house-work when they lose an hour, wheres mens leisure is mostly affected.