Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Primary School children may soon self-report on their performance

A number of different report card templates, which have been developed by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), are being piloted in schools at the moment.
One of the cards provides for an input from pupils on what they are good at, or in what subject they would like to do better, and for a self-drawn picture reflecting him/herself as a learner.
See here for more details.
It could be time to contact the NCCA and see if we can help in the measurement of primary school children's self-reported performance. This is not as outlandish as it seems, though I don't know much about getting children to fill out surveys; maybe people from the human development project have read about this issue. Would the assessment of hypothetical scenarios would be too complex for these children?


Liam Delaney said...

indeed, it would an interesting anchoring vignette question. The paper "unskilled and unaware: how failure to recognise one's own incompetence can lead to inflated self-assessments" is an interesting take on the perils of self-assesment. You'll get it by google search

Anonymous said...

I would not be optimistic about this happening!