Sunday, January 21, 2007

More on Brain Training

Richard Roche gave a great talk in the Geary the other day on memory training and associated neurological changes. Further to Ken's posting, below is an NY Times article on this general area. It seems fairly clear that is possible to achieve statistically significant memory improvements in older people with associated improvements in measures of cell health.

What is less clear is the extent to which there are commercial and policy implications of these results,something that the NYT have covered very well in a number of articles about this. It would be interesting to see evidence (a) that these memory changes have significant effects on people's quality of life (b) that the effects are larger than could be achieved with other methods (c) that programmes to promote these effects are cost-effective from a commercial and policy-perspective and (d) whether these improvements have a role in preventing or delaying pathologies surrounding memory and the brain such as Alzheimers.

HEALTH December 27, 2006 As Minds Age, What’s Next? Brain Calisthenics By PAM BELLUCK Brain health programs are offering the possibility of a cognitive fountain of youth.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Theres a few studies that show a role for Folic acid in improving memory (and other cognitive abilities) in old folk.