Sunday, January 21, 2007

Fallacies of Prostrate Cancer Treatment

A study from last year in the US shows that Prostate Cancer treatment decisions are often based on faulty information and information processing. The NY Times coverage is below. It would be interesting to discuss the range of potentially poor decisions around health that are made due to lack of information and misconception.

HEALTH July 4, 2006 Prostate Cancer Decisions Often Based on Fallacies By NICHOLAS BAKALAR Some common beliefs held by patients regarding treatment are based on misconceptions, a study found.

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Anonymous said...

I just read Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science by Atul Gawande.Its quite interesting on clinical errors by medics.

Ken said...

Re medical decisions: have just finished a resubmit to a journal based on metacognition in experts vs novices in clinical problem-solving. People are more than welcome to look at the paper if they want.