Stirling MSc

NEW: We are now welcoming applications for our 2016/2017 programme. Please click on this website for details on how to apply.

The Centre's flagship programme is the MSc in Behavioural Science for Management.  This exciting programme teaches the core theory and methods of behavioural science and behavioural economics and how these can be applied to important business and policy-relevant issues. Here is a list of the specific modules being taught in the 2015/16 class.

This MSc is aimed at students with a very strong intrinsic motivation to study the link between economics, psychology, business and policy. The MSc is taught by dedicated staff from the Behavioural Science Centre who have extensive experience in integrating insights from economics and psychology to address key societal challenges. Additionally, there are regular opportunities for students to attend seminars and workshops on a wide variety of topics.

This Masters program offers students the opportunity to gain advanced training in behavioural theory, to learn a comprehensive suite of behavioural methods, and to understand how this ‘toolkit’ can be applied to understand and inform the decisions made by stakeholders, workers and consumers.

If you are interested in the course and would like to know more, please contact the course coordinator Dr. Michael Daly at his email. You can see testimonials about the course from former students here here and here. There are also scholarship opportunities that can be viewed on this website.

Recommended Readings
Popular texts:

1. Ariely (2008), Predictably irrational
2. Kahneman (2011), Thinking, fast and slow
3. Thaler & Sunstein (2008), Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

1. Camerer, Loewenstein & Rabin (2004) Advances in Behavioral Economics

Policy-related documents:
1. Dolan et al. (2012), Influencing behaviour: the mindspace way, Journal of Economic Psychology
2. Haynes et al. (2012), Test, Learn, Adapt: Developing Public Policy with Randomised Controlled Trials, Cabinet Office.
3. House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee (2011), Behaviour Change Report
4. Sunstein (2011), Empirically informed regulation, University of Chicago Law Review

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