2017 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science
Thursday, the 30th of November 2017
UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy, Dublin
The UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy is pleased to announce our PhD Student Conference in Behavioural Science for 2017 in collaboration with the Stirling University Management School. This continues two successful annual events held at Stirling. For information about last year's PhD conference click here. The PhD conference will be held at University College Dublin on November 30th and will be followed by the 10th annual Irish economics and psychology conference on December 1st. Attendees to the PhD conference on November 30th are also welcome to attend the December 1 workshop. Please sign up separately for the workshop. Our keynote speakers will be Professor Don Ross (UCC) and Professor Jennifer Sheehy Skeffington (LSE).
Day Schedule (Thursday, November 30, 2017)
1. Victoria Taranu (Hasselt University) on "Experimental study on alternative information framings of the flemish energy performance certificate" (with Griet Verbeeck).
2. Vlada Pleshcheva (Humboldt University Berlin) on "Do consumers value qualitatively identical improvements in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of cars equally?"
Session 1b: Media use
3. Veelaiporn Promwichit (University of Edinburgh) on "Can social media sentiment predict futures returns?" (with Arman Eshraghi and Ronan Gallagher).
4. Kevin Momanyi (University of Aberdeen) on "An econometric analysis of the impact of telecare" (with Paul McNamee and Diane Skatun).
11:30-12:00: Coffee Break
Session 2a: Locus of control
5. Juliane Hennecke (Free University Berlin) on "Controlled by politics? - Economic situation, locus of control and political participation".
6. Malte Preuss (Free University Berlin) on "Biased by success and failure: How unemployment shapes stated locus of control" (with Juliane Hennecke).
Session 2b: Decision Making 1
7. Luis Enrique Loria (University of Aberdeen) on "Current experience matters: Evidence from a reference dependent Discrete Choice Experiment design" (with Verity Watson, Takahiko Kiso, and Euan Phimister).
8. Mishal Ahmed (Georgia Institute of Technology) on "Quality provision with salient thinkers".
13:00-14:00: Lunch Break
Session 3a: Mental Health and Work
9. Klavs Ciprikis (Dublin Institute of Technology) on "The impact of mental disorders on wages in the United Kingdom: An empirical analysis".
10. Kate Isherwood (Bangor University) on “Looking forwards to work: Motivational and cognitive interventions to promote wellbeing, productivity and economic activity in the workforce.” (with John Parkinson, Gareth Harvey, and Andrew Goodman).
Session 3b: Decision Making 2
11. Féidhlim McGowan (ESRI) on "Representation or reproduction? Lay understanding of probability distributions and willingness to take bets" (with Pete Lunn).
12. Terry McElvaney (ESRI) on “Complexity in car finance: Assessing limitations in consumer comprehension of personal contract plans (with Pete Lunn and Féidhlim McGowan).
15:30-16:00: Coffee Break
Session 4a: Education
13. Emmanuel Igwe (Greenwich University) on “A study on attitudes into postgraduate education” (with Gabriella Cagliesi and Denise Hawkes).
14. Kenneth Devine (Central Bank of Ireland) on "Risky Business: New Insights into Mortgage Choice and Risk Preferences".
Session 4b: Subjective Well-Being
15. Caroline Wehner (Maastricht University and IZA) on "Personality and educational achievement: The role of emotional stability and conscientiousness" (with Trudie Schils).
16. Rhi Willmot (Bangor University) on “The Role of Positive Psychology in Physical Wellbeing” (with John Parkinson).
Day Schedule (Thursday, November 30, 2017)
09:00-09:15: Registration
09:15-10:00: Welcome & Introductory Talk by Prof Liam Delaney
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-11:30: Session 1
Session 1a: The environment
1. Victoria Taranu (Hasselt University) on "Experimental study on alternative information framings of the flemish energy performance certificate" (with Griet Verbeeck).
2. Vlada Pleshcheva (Humboldt University Berlin) on "Do consumers value qualitatively identical improvements in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of cars equally?"
Session 1b: Media use
3. Veelaiporn Promwichit (University of Edinburgh) on "Can social media sentiment predict futures returns?" (with Arman Eshraghi and Ronan Gallagher).
4. Kevin Momanyi (University of Aberdeen) on "An econometric analysis of the impact of telecare" (with Paul McNamee and Diane Skatun).
11:30-12:00: Coffee Break
12:00-13:00: Session 2
Session 2a: Locus of control
5. Juliane Hennecke (Free University Berlin) on "Controlled by politics? - Economic situation, locus of control and political participation".
6. Malte Preuss (Free University Berlin) on "Biased by success and failure: How unemployment shapes stated locus of control" (with Juliane Hennecke).
Session 2b: Decision Making 1
7. Luis Enrique Loria (University of Aberdeen) on "Current experience matters: Evidence from a reference dependent Discrete Choice Experiment design" (with Verity Watson, Takahiko Kiso, and Euan Phimister).
8. Mishal Ahmed (Georgia Institute of Technology) on "Quality provision with salient thinkers".
13:00-14:00: Lunch Break
14:00-15:30: Session 3
Session 3a: Mental Health and Work
9. Klavs Ciprikis (Dublin Institute of Technology) on "The impact of mental disorders on wages in the United Kingdom: An empirical analysis".
10. Kate Isherwood (Bangor University) on “Looking forwards to work: Motivational and cognitive interventions to promote wellbeing, productivity and economic activity in the workforce.” (with John Parkinson, Gareth Harvey, and Andrew Goodman).
Session 3b: Decision Making 2
11. Féidhlim McGowan (ESRI) on "Representation or reproduction? Lay understanding of probability distributions and willingness to take bets" (with Pete Lunn).
12. Terry McElvaney (ESRI) on “Complexity in car finance: Assessing limitations in consumer comprehension of personal contract plans (with Pete Lunn and Féidhlim McGowan).
15:30-16:00: Coffee Break
16:00-17:00: Session 4
Session 4a: Education
13. Emmanuel Igwe (Greenwich University) on “A study on attitudes into postgraduate education” (with Gabriella Cagliesi and Denise Hawkes).
14. Kenneth Devine (Central Bank of Ireland) on "Risky Business: New Insights into Mortgage Choice and Risk Preferences".
Session 4b: Subjective Well-Being
15. Caroline Wehner (Maastricht University and IZA) on "Personality and educational achievement: The role of emotional stability and conscientiousness" (with Trudie Schils).
16. Rhi Willmot (Bangor University) on “The Role of Positive Psychology in Physical Wellbeing” (with John Parkinson).
For questions, please contact Liam Delaney (liam.delaney@ucd.ie) or Leonhard Lades (leonhard.lades@ucd.ie)
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