
Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Stata 14 released

From the Stata blog

"Here’s a partial list of what’s new, a.k.a. the highlights:
  • Unicode
  • More than 2 billion observations (Stata/MP)
  • Bayesian analysis
  • IRT (Item Response Theory)
  • Panel-data survival models
  • Treatment effects
    • Treatment effects for survival models
    • Endogenous treatments
    • Probability weights
    • Balance analysis
  • Multilevel mixed-effects survival models
  • Small-sample inference for multilevel models
  • SEM (structural equation modeling)
    • Survival models
    • Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-squared test
    • Survey data
    • Multilevel weights
  • Power and sample size
    • Survival models
    • Contingency (epidemiological) tables
  • Markov-switching regression models
  • Tests for structural breaks in time-series
  • Fractional outcome regression models
  • Hurdle models
  • Censored Poisson regression
  • Survey support & multilevel weights for multilevel models
  • New random-number generators
  • Estimated marginal means and marginal effects
    • Tables for multiple outcomes and levels
    • Integration over unobserved and latent variables
  • ICD-10
  • Stata in Spanish and in Japanese
The above list is not complete; it lists about 30% of what’s new.
For all the details about Stata 14, including purchase and update information, and links to distributors outside of the US, visit
If you are outside of the US, you can order from your authorized Stata distributor. They will supply codes so that you can access and download from

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