
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Links: End of March 2015

1. Call for papers for our first Stirling PhD Behavioural Science conference

2. Somatic outcomes of unemployment in North Swedish cohort study 

3. Personality may be down to where you come from – but this doesn't mean we can't change - Piece on the Conversation website by the centre's Christopher Boyce

4. "Do Student Evaluations.. Reflect Inaccurate Beliefs or Actual Experience?" New paper by centre co-director Alex Wood and colleagues.

5. What are the strongest objections to nudging? An effort to identify them Important new piece from Cass Sunstein. Will certainly be debating this in classes over the next couple of years.

6. White House Behavioural Team looking for staff - details here

7. Third round of the Many Labs experiment - it is certainly by no means settled what type of information this type of multi-lab replication effort provides but there is no doubt for me that Many Labs should be discussed on all psychology and behavioural science programmes.

8. Story of the rise and fall of the US National Children's Study is a real tragedy

9. CLS appoints new director and secures funding for 2015-2020 Centre for Longitudinal Studies

10. New FCA paper "The impact of annual summaries, text alerts and mobile apps on consumer banking behaviour". The FCA occasional papers are really useful. One could combine them with concepts lectures to provide a fascinating applied overview of behavioural economics and regulation.

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