
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

David Blanchflower Lecture


University of Stirling Management School Professor David (Danny) Blanchflower will be delivering a guest lecture on Tuesday 2nd December, where he will share his analysis and observations on the topic:

'How is the UK economy doing?’

Professor Blanchflower is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and was a former member of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee.  He is currently an economic columnist for the New Statesman magazine, the Independent Newspaper, and a contributing editor of Bloomberg Television.

The event is taking place in lecture theatre A4 (Cottrell Building), commencing at 5.00pm for a 5.15pm start.  We are inviting a broad spectrum of leading figures representing private, public and third sector organisations, including many alumni.  Both staff and students are encouraged to attend, and we would be grateful if you could assist by promoting this event to your students during lectures/seminars.  We will be hosting a drinks reception following the lecture at 6.15pm, and we would be delighted if you could stay to join us for this.

Please RSVP before Tuesday 25th November, via or 01786 467415. 

We very much hope that you will be able to attend what should be a very interesting evening.

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