
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stirling Choice Workshop

Below is the programme for Thursday's workshop on choice organised by Dr. Danny Campbell. There are spaces available in the lecture hall if people wish to attend.  

16 October, 2014

University of Stirling, IMB Gallery Room, IrisMurdoch Building

10:00–10:30 Welcome

Session 1: Benefit transfer and the environment

10:30 Enhanced geospatial data for meta-analysis and environmental benefit transfer: an application to water quality improvements
Robert Johnston (Clark University)

10:55 Using Bayesian methods for benefit transfer from choice experiments: results fromsimulations
Klaus Glenk (Scotland’s Rural College)

11:20 Impact of a collective bonus on farmers’ participation and acreage enrolment in an agri-environmental scheme
Laure Kuhfuss (University of St. Andrews)

11:45 Does what you know and what we tell you change the value people place on coastal flood defence?
Katherine Simpson (University of Stirling)

12:10–1:15 Lunch

Session 2: Social norms, oaths and mode effects

1:15 Using behavioural economics to improve social norms interventions: rank-based nudging
AlexWood (University of Stirling)

1:40 Social norms, economic incentives and ethical motives in choices for household recycling
Nick Hanley (University of St. Andrews)

2:30 Discrete choice experiment under oath
VerityWatson (University of Aberdeen)

2:05 Mode effects: valuation workshop versus online panel
Erlend Dancke Sandorf (Arctic University of Norway)

2:55–3:15 Tea and coffee

Session 3: Uncertainty and processing

3:15 Preferences analysis under inherent uncertainty
Michela Faccioli (University of St. Andrews)

3:40 It’s not what you ask, but how you ask it! Respondents’ ability to reflect on their use of attribute non-attendance in a DCE
Sebastian Heidenreich (University of Aberdeen)

4:05 The effect of gender on risk perceptions
Seda Erdem (University of Stirling)

4:30 Using eye-tracking methods to informdecision making processes in discrete choice experiments
Mandy Ryan and Nicolas Krucien (University of Aberdeen)

4:55 Position bias in best-worst scaling surveys
Danny Campbell (University of Stirling)

5:20–5:30 Concluding remarks

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