
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Links 14.10.14

1. Interview with Oliver Payne by the website Science Rock Stars. Oliver is the founder of behavioural insight firm The Hunting Dynasty.

2. "Large company CEOs are roughly +1, +1.5 and +0.5 SD on cognitive ability, non-cognitive ability and height, respectively"

3. A review of Cass Sunstein's books 'Why Nudge' and 'Conspiracy Theories and Other Dangerous Ideas' from the New York Review of Books.

4. On whether American schools should teach their students 'grit' from Vox & Angela Duckworth's TED talk on same.

5. A conversation with Douglas Detterman, the editor of the journal 'Intelligence'.

6. A review of 35 years of emotion and decision-making research from an upcoming issue of the Annual Review of Psychology.

7. A look at inequality focusing on the poor from Aeon magazine.

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