had very interesting presentations about new and exiting research that uses the growing data resources available in the
UK Data Archive and
comparable international depositories.
The abstracts of the talks, pictures, and some links for further reading are below. Details of future workshops will be provided via the mailing list, the blog and our twitter account.
The abstracts of the talks, pictures, and some links for further reading are below. Details of future workshops will be provided via the mailing list, the blog and our twitter account.
Fionnuala O'Reilly (Stirling University) presented Associations between childhood self-regulation and adult socioeconomic status (with Michael Daly and Liam Delaney).
the childhood determinants of socioeconomic status (SES) in adulthood
is an important social goal. In this paper, we utilised the British
Cohort Study (N = 6,700) to examine the association between childhood
self-regulation and a set of socioeconomic factors measured in
adulthood, adjusting for a range of important potential confounding
variables including childhood cognitive ability and parental SES.
Specifically, we tested the association between self-regulation at age
10 and the cohort members' income, social class, educational attainment,
home ownership and self-ratings of their financial position at age 30
and 42.
We found that higher self-regulation at age 10
had a substantial and significant association with better SES outcomes
at both age 30 and 42. On average a 1 SD increase in childhood
self-regulation was associated with a 0.13 SD increase in adult SES; an
effect size comparable to that of a 1 SD increase in childhood cognitive
ability (0.17 SD). On average 30% of the relationship between childhood
self-regulation and adult SES was explained by educational attainment.
Finally, we found that childhood self-regulation acts as a medium
through which individuals may attain higher social standing, both
inter-generationally and over the course of their own lives.
Dr. Michael Daly (Stirling University) presented Poor childhood self-discipline predicts physiological dysregulation in midlife (with Liam Delaney).
Higher levels of self-discipline
were significantly associated with lower physiological dysregulation (B =
-.073, SE = .013; β = -.073; t = -5.80, p < .001), after controlling
for sex, intelligence at age 11, and socioeconomic status at birth.
This association was relatively unaffected by further adjustment for a
large set of childhood controls (B = -.068, SE = .017; β = -.068; t =
-5.30, p < .001) including parental characteristics (e.g. age,
mother’s education), family difficulties (e.g. housing, financial),
aspects of the home environment (e.g. region, crowding), conditions at
birth (e.g. birth weight, breast feeding), physician assessed medical
conditions (e.g. asthma, emotional maladjustment, diabetes) and relative
weight at age 7. By adjusting for a broad set of important covariates
in a large-scale representative cohort these analyses provide robust
evidence that childhood self-discipline is associated with long-run
health effects that cannot be attributed to other psychological factors
like intelligence or emotional problems or to initial health or
environmental conditions.
Dr. Iris Kesternich (Munich) presented Early-life circumstances predict measures of trust attitudes among adults (with Maximiiana Hörl, Jim Smith & Joachim Winter).
Mark Egan (Stirling University) presented Childhood psychological distress and youth unemployment: evidence from three cohort studies (with Michael Daly & Liam Delaney)
There are two
main findings. Firstly, children with higher levels of distress went on
to experience higher levels of youth unemployment in all cohorts
examined. These effects were large, statistically significant and could
not be accounted for by early environmental factors, intelligence, or
personality characteristics. Secondly, analyses of the 1980 recession in
the UK and the 2007 recession in the United States reveals that
children with higher levels of distress were disproportionately more
likely to become unemployed during the fallout of these economic
downturns. These findings point to a previously neglected contribution
of childhood mental health to youth unemployment which may be
particularly pronounced during times of economic recession. Our findings
also suggest a further economic benefit to enhancing the provision of
mental health services early in life.
The study’s results are robust to the inclusion of controls such as education, intelligence quotient, physical health, height, self-esteem, and later happiness. We consider how psychological well-being may influence income. Sobel–Goodman mediation tests reveal direct and indirect effects that carry the influence from happiness to income. Significant mediating pathways include a higher probability of obtaining a college degree, getting hired and promoted, having higher degrees of optimism and extraversion, and less neuroticism.
Professor Alissa Goodman (Institute of Education) presented Long-term effects of childhood mental and physical health conditions
Useful links:
The Centre for Longitudinal Studies is responsible for running three of Britain’s internationally-renowned birth cohort studies (NCDS, BCS70, MCS)
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