
Friday, September 26, 2014

Making better decisions for public health: Insights from secondary data

Interesting event via ESRC Website:

Making better decisions for public health: Insights from secondary data

Location: The King's Fund 
Date: 2 October 2014, 10.30-16.00
This event will present research findings from six of a group of 15 projects supported by the ESRC's Secondary Data Analysis Initiative (SDAI). The UK has a world leading data infrastructure on social and economic research that provides a huge opportunity to address some of the most pressing challenges facing society today and into the future. The SDAI aims to deliver high quality high impact research through exploitation of major data resources created by ESRC and other agencies.
The conference will be chaired by David Buck, King’s Fund Senior Fellow (public health and health inequalities).
The morning session will look at 'Better data for public health policy and practice' and will feature presentations from projects which have looked at ways of generating better data on health variables, on co-morbidity and on contagion, for use by those responsible for delivery of public health and health promotion services. In the afternoon researchers will present insights into health and wellbeing from projects examining intergenerational relationships, links between educational attainment and wellbeing, and inequalities in oral health. The event will end with an audience discussion with the presenters about the issues raised throughout the day.


Better data for public health policy and practice (10.30-12.00)
  • Estimating census health geographies – Dr Joanna Taylor (Southampton) and Dr Liz Twigg (Portsmouth)
  • Comorbidity and public health: A spatial microsimulation model  –  Dr Karyn Morrissey (Liverpool)
  • Social assortativity and contagious processes – Dr Jonathan Read (Liverpool)
Followed by Q&A and discussion
Research insights into public health and wellbeing (13.00-14.30)
  • The education effect: Links between educational attainment and personal and societal wellbeing – Prof Tony Manstead (Cardiff)
  • Intergenerational relationships in the UK – Dr Tak Wing Chan (Oxford)
  • Investigating socioeconomic inequalities in oral health – Dr Georgios Tsakos, UCL
Followed by Q&A and discussion
Panel roundtable, audience/presenter discussion (15.00-16.00)

Further information

The event is free, but participants do need to register online.

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