
Friday, September 12, 2014

Carnegie Trust Collaborative Research Grants

Details here and below

Aims and background

The purpose of the Collaborative Research Grants Scheme (CRGs) is to support joint research projects that bring together researchers from more than one Scottish university to develop new lines of study or to advance significantly existing areas of expertise.

The principal criterion for the award of a CRG is that the planned research is of excellent quality and is likely to be of benefit to two or more of the universities of Scotland (research consortium).
Grants of up to a maximum of £50,000 may be awarded.

The joint project must involve the active collaboration of researchers in at least two of the Scottish universities. Each university should specify a Principal Investigator, one of whom should act as the Lead Applicant.

The duration of the project should normally be from 1 to 2 years, but can be up to a maximum of three years.

The Trust is not a research council and will not consider applications that are judged more appropriate for submission to a research council or similar body.

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