
Monday, September 01, 2014

Behavioural Science and Policy Workshop

On November 12th, the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre will hold a targeted workshop on “Behavioural Economics, Policy and Business” in Stirling University. The event begins at 3pm and ends at 5pm and there will be coffee in advance. The venue is Stirling University Cottrell Building Court Room and further directions will be provided.

This is the fourth in our series of public policy workshops which are aimed at providing a forum for widespread engagement between centre researchers and people working in policy and business. The broad questions of interest for the forum are below. Details of the talks will be provided here.

- What aspects of behavioural economics should particularly interest business people? For example, how is behavioural economics relevant to product development, advertising and marketing? What are the potential regulatory changes emerging from this literature?

- Why should policymakers care about behavioural economics? What is the relevance of behavioural economics to such questions as how we should design taxation and regulation?

- What has this new literature to say about economic policy in Scotland and RUK?

There will also be a Q&A session and ample opportunity for audience participation.


Philip Newall (Stirling) 

Leonhard Lades (Stirling) 

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