Stirling PhD Conference in Behavioural Science
25th of June 2015
Stirling Behavioural Science Centre (StirBSC)
Stirling Behavioural Science Centre (StirBSC)
Update: The day schedule is now available.
All talks with take place in Rooms 2X4 and 2X6 in the Cottrell Building.
09:00-09:30: Registration
09:30-10:00: Welcome & Advice for PhD students by Prof. Alex Wood
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:30: Parallel Sessions A1 & B1
A1: Work I
A1.1: Belinda Vigors (University of Greenwich), Exploring the impact of performance-related pay on risk behaviours.
A1.2: Elisabeth Garratt (University of Manchester), How does workplace reciprocity relate to mental health in parents and their children?
A1.3: Oksana Galak (University of Vienna), Role of identification in motivating employee’s labordonations within employee-customer dyad.
B1: Data I
B1.1: Alexandra Ioanid (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Social media management strategies based on followers behaviour.
B1.2: James Bowden (University of Dundee), Rumours Built on Quicksand? Quindell PLC and the Online Crowd: A Warning for Regulators.
B1.3: Merve Alanyali (University of Warwick), Big Data Meets Behavioural Science: Online Data to Understand Complex Systems.
11:30-11:45: Coffee Break
11:45-13:00: Parallel Sessions A2 & B2
A2: Work 2
A2.1: Bernardo Nunes (Stirling Behavioural Science Centre), The predictors of participation in workplace pension schemes and the effect of provision: evidence from the United Kingdom.
A2.2: Marco Fongoni (University of Strathclyde), A Theory of Wage Setting Behaviour.
A2.3: Victoria Mousteri (Stirling Behavioural Science Centre), An open invitation to the blues: A study of unemployment scarring across Europe.
B2: Data 2
B2.1: Malte Preuss (Freie Universitaet Berlin), The Impact of Job Loss on Risk Preference.
B2.2: Wilfried Anicet Kouamé (Sherbrooke University), Tax Morale and Trust in Public Institutions.
B2.3: Xiaolin Chang (University of Glasgow), Information, Attention and the Return of Exchange Rate.
13:00-13:50: Lunch Break
13:50-15:30: Parallel Sessions A3 & B3
A3: Wellbeing
A3.1: Johan de Borst (University of Strathclyde), Starting self-employment? How personality affects income & subjective well-being.
A3.2: Robert Murphy (Stirling Behavioural Science Centre), Would the public’s valuation of health states (QALY weights) change if they knew the impact of dimensions of health on life satisfaction and would this change the prioritisation of dimensions of health (“debias” QALY weights)?
A3.3: Tobias Wolf (Freie Universität Berlin), Comparison Income and Multidimensional Well-being of Older Adults.
B3: Human Capital & Behavioural Law
B3.1: Craig Anderson (Stirling Behavioural Science Centre), Academic Curriculum Vitae content: Are Publications in Lower Rated Journals a Help or a Hindrance?
B3.2: Emmanuel Igwe (University of Greenwich), Credit Constraints, Identity, and Individual Investment in Further Education: Evidence from the University of Greenwich Fast Forward Programme.
B3.3: Laura Lyhs (Friedrich-Schiller University), The Effect of Legal Standard Vagueness on Investments in Compliance.
B3.4: Saoirse Connor Desai (City University London), How jurors assess the strength and reliability of evidence: Legal reasoning with causal networks.
B3.4: Saoirse Connor Desai (City University London), How jurors assess the strength and reliability of evidence: Legal reasoning with causal networks.
15:30-15:45: Coffee Break
A4: Decision-making
A4.1: Eli Solvik Leistad (City University London), Mental representations underlying inter-temporal choice.
A4.2: Eric Schulz (University College London), Learning and decisions in contextual multi-armed bandit tasks.
A4.3: Paula Parpart (University College London), Model Selection through Active Learning: Do people use simple
heuristics or integrative decision strategies?
B4: Games
B4.1: Andrew Siu (University of Warwick), Intuitive Thinkers and Punishment.
B4.2: Anna Abratis (Humboldt University Berlin), The strategic value of emotions –happiness and fear in market entry games.
B4.3: Jovan Vojnovic (Stirling Behavioural Science Centre), The effects of childhood factors on later formation of time preferences.
18:00: Dinner
The Stirling Behavioural Science Centre is pleased to announce its 2015 PhD Student Conference in Behavioural Science. The PhD conference will be held at the University of Stirling on the 25th of June 2015 and will be followed by our Workshop on Behavioural Science and Public Policy on June 26. Attendees to the PhD conference on June 25 are also welcome to attend the June 26 workshop.
The June 25 PhD conference aims to give PhD students in Behavioural Science the opportunity to meet other researchers, to present their work, and get feedback from peers and researchers in the field. The PhD conference will deal with all areas of behavioural science (or behavioural economics, economic psychology, judgement and decision making, depending on your terminological preference). Topics include, but are not limited to
- Nudging and Behavioural Policies
- Evaluation of Behavioural Policies
- Mechanisms of Behavioural Interventions
- Inter-temporal Choice
- Self-control
- Risk Preferences
- Social Preferences
- Heuristics
- Personality and Economics
- Subjective Well-Being
- Identity in Economics
- Emotions and Decision Making
- Behavioural Medicine
- Early Influences on Later Life Outcomes
- Behavioural Science and the Labour Market
- Research Methods in Behavioural Science
- Professor Liam Delaney
- Professor Alex Wood
- Dr Michael Daly
- Dr Seda Erdem
- Dr Christopher Boyce
- Dr Simon McCabe
- Dr Leonhard Lades
Located in the heart of Scotland’s central belt, Stirling is a 45 minute journey from both Glasgow and Edinburgh airports. There will be no conference fee and a social dinner will be provided for attendees on the evening of June 25.
For affordable accommodation in Stirling, we recommend and airbnb. Accommodation may fill up relatively soon due to graduation ceremonies taking place on the same day. In this case it is also feasible to stay in Edinburgh or Glasgow and take a 40 minute train to Stirling in the morning.
Important dates:
- April 30th: Abstract submission deadline (up to 500 words).
- May 7th: Notification of acceptance.
- May 25th: Registration deadline.
- June 10th: Submission of paper/more detailed abstract to the discussant.

We look forward to welcoming you to Stirling. If you have questions, feel free to send an email to or Please also check your spam folder for emails.
We appreciate support from the ESRC.
Other helpful links:
1. Stirling Behavioural Science Centre
2. How to get to Stirling
3. List of recent conferences run by Stirling Behavioural Science Centre
4. The Stirling Court Hotel on campus
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