
Tuesday, September 03, 2013

MSc Welcome Activities

(From Michael Daly, course co-ordinator). A formal induction for the MSc in Behavioural Science for Management will take place in room 2X6 in the Cottrell Building from 2-4pm on Monday 9th of September. This will include an overview of the Management School, an introduction to the core academic staff, Head of Division and Head of School and an outline of the programme structure and module content.


2pm - 2.30pm Dr. Michael Daly - Welcome introduction to Stirling Management School, Division, and MSc (incl. standardized induction, provide information on timetabling, statistics, seminar series, thesis)

2.30pm - 2.50pm Prof. Liam Delaney - Introduction and overview of Behavioural Economics I: Concepts and Theories & Behavioural Economics II: Business and Policy Applications

2.50pm - 3pm Head of School Prof. Sharon Bolton (introduction & welcome)

3pm - 3.10pm Head of Mangement, Work and Organization Prof. Bernard Burnes (introduction & welcome)

3.10pm - 3.30pm Prof. Alex Wood - Introduction and overview of Behavioural Science for Economics and Business & The Person in Context

3.30pm - 3.45pm Dr. David Comerford - Introduction and overview of Experiments for Decision-Making in Business and Policy

3.45pm - 4pm Dr. Michael Daly - Introduction and overview of Advanced Behavioural Research Methods, questions, wrap up

On Tuesday 10th of September a buffet has been arranged at 6.30pm in Brea in Stirling (5 Baker St in Stirling, optional, cost £10). This social evening will be an excellent  opportunity to meet students and staff from both the Behavioural Science programme and the Management School's MSc programmes in Energy Management and Environmental Economics. This will be particularly useful as an applied component of the Autumn module 'Behavioural Economics I: Concepts and Theories' will involve developing applications of behavioural science in the area of household energy choices with input from those taking Energy/Environment courses.

On Friday 13th of September from 9am - 6pm we will hold the first Behavioural Science workshop of the 2013 academic year. This workshop will be a good chance to interact with your MSc classmates and staff. There will be very high demand for this session as the two keynote speakers are world-leading thinkers in behavioural science and there is a substantial degree of interest in the topic of financial incentives for socially desirable behaviour at present. There is an allocation of places for MSc Behavioural Science for Management students but for logistic purposes we would ask to please register as soon as possible.

The timetable for the day is below and includes a guided walk around campus at 2.45pm which we particularly recommend MSc students to avail of:

Venue: The Court Room, Cottrell Building, University of Stirling

9.00 – 9.15 coffee and introduction

Theme 1: Experiments in incentives
9.15 – 9.40 Ruth Hunter (Queens University, Belfast): Physical activity loyalty cards for behavioural change
9.40 – 10.05 Jonathan James (University of Bath): Changing Eating Habits
10.05 – 10.30 Dan Connolly (Ideas 42): Financial incentives improve accuracy of political judgments


Theme 2: Acceptability of incentives
10.45 – 11.10 David Meads (University of Leeds): A contingentm valuation study of financial incentives for health behavior change
11.10 – 11.35 Mirjam Plantinga (University of Groningen): Financial incentives and stigma
11.35 – 12.00 Marianne Promberger (Kings College, London): Perceived coerciveness of rewards for medical treatment
12.00 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 2.45 Peter Ubel keynote
2.45 – 3.25 Guided walk around campus

Theme 3: Meta-analyses
3.25 – 3.50 Jean Adams (Newcastle University): A meta-analysis of financial incentives to encourage uptake of healthy behaviours
3.50 – 4.15 Nicola Lacetera (University of Toronto): Economic rewards to motivate blood donations

4.15 – 5.30 George Loewenstein keynote
5.30 – 6 Q&A

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