The following short clip
from The Wire, a drama about the Baltimore drug trade,
perfectly illustrates the role of context in decision making.
Wallace, a boy employed in one of the lowest rungs of the drug trade,
is woken by one of his younger siblings for some help with her maths
homework. It's a simple problem about the number of passengers on a
bus. The girl struggles, nonetheless. (Link to clip here).
At 1:30 in the video,
Wallace reframes the problem into a context that is much more
relevant to their world: the mathematics of working as a low level
drug runner. The girl, formerly unable to “do the math”, answers
him instantly. The scene might be intended as a portrayal of the
world that they live in – poor formal education from the schooling
system, and a shockingly early introduction to the illegal industry
that surrounds them – but it also serves as a great example of how
context can greatly affect our ability to reason correctly about the
Some psychologists, who
see the human mind as being inherently limited and often unable to
cope with the demands of the world around us, tend to underplay the
importance of context in decision making. The Nobel prizewinner
Daniel Kahneman, for example, as one of the leaders of the
“heuristics and biases” programme of research in psychology and
economics, has done a lot of work on situations where average
responses to certain problems are systematically wrong. Although
these problems are usually more complicated than the examples in the
clip, they nonetheless also have a “correct” answer which people
predictably stray from. Predictable errors are known as biases, and
the common explanation for these mistakes is that people use
“heuristics”: shortcuts in decision making which, although not
intended to yield a perfect answer, are often required to simplify
the computational burden that these problems impose. Kahneman has
recently written a non-technical book about his life’s work called
Thinking, Fast and Slow.
The Wason selection task
is one problem which has stimulated much debate in the psychological
community due to the errors in reasoning that many people show. There
are four cards in the task. Each has a number on one side, and a
letter on the other. The cards are displayed with only one side
showing, as follows:
A K 4 7
It is then required for
people to turn over only the cards necessary to test the proposition
that, “if there is a vowel on one side, then there is an even
number on the other”. Have a think about what cards you would turn
over before proceeding.
It should be immediately
obvious that the A card requires inspection. And the vast majority of
people do turn this card over in experiments. But are there any other
cards that should be turned over? Many people also turn the 4 card
over. This seems to make sense: the question does, after all, mention
vowels and even cards. However, there is no way that turning this
card over can disprove the hypothesis. If the card is turned to
display a vowel, then this appears to be evidence in favour of the
hypothesis. But turning the 4 over to show a consonant tells you
nothing. This is because the statement begins with “if there
is a vowel”, it says nothing about if there is a consonant on one
side. Now consider the 7 card – which is infrequently selected by
people in this experiment. Finding a consonant will tell you nothing
on its own, but will be enough to test the rule in conjunction with
the results from the A card. But what if you find a vowel? In that
case, the hypothesis is false, and the proposition has been answered.
Few people reason this
way (often
less than 5%). So in that respect, the heuristics and
biases programme is correct: human reasoning is flawed, at least when
it comes to problems like this. But why do they make errors? It has
been shown that this is partly due to the problem’s abstract
content. It is a pure test of logical deductive reasoning. There is
little knowledge from the outside world that can be brought to bear
on the problem (except for textbooks on logic). And just like in the
clip from The Wire, transforming the problem into a more
familiar context leads to a huge improvement in performance.
The following, known as
drinking age problem, is logically equivalent to the
abstract Wason selection task.
Again, there are four cards. On one side of each card is a drink
(either alcoholic or not), and an age (either above 18 or not). The
rule is, “if someone is drinking alcohol, then they must be over
18”. The four cards are shown as follows:
drinking beer drinking
coke 25 16
In this context the
correct solution jumps out from the page at you. And, interestingly,
the problem is logically identical to the abstract task. The beer
drinker must be checked (card A in the problem above). The coke
drinker can be skipped (K). The 25 year old can obviously be skipped
(4). Interestingly, this is the card that causes so many problems in
the abstract task. The rule is asymmetric in both problems, and can
be presented in the general form of: if P, then Q. If there is a
vowel on one side, there is an even number on the other. If someone
is drinking alcohol, then they must be over 18. In the abstract
format, many people check Q, even though this can never tell you
anything about the validity of the rule. Not looking at Q is obvious
in the drinking age problem: of course you don't have to check the 25
year old! Furthermore, it is also obvious in the drinking age problem
that the 16 year old's drink should be checked (7), which accounts to
not-Q. This is because if a P is found on the other side – either
someone drinking alcohol, or a vowel – then the rule is
invalidated. In the abstract task people look for evidence that
confirms the rule; in the drinking age problem people correctly look
for information which might disprove the validity of the rule.
Simplifying a problem by
adding a familiar context is just one example of a broader approach
to improving judgements. The heuristics and biases programme focuses
on situations where heuristics (decision making shortcuts) lead to
errors. The programme of ecological
rationality looks at situations where heuristics lead
to accurate decisions despite their simplicity. When it comes to the
drinking age problem, it is argued that we have developed a set of
heuristics related to the social world and enforcing social norms
(drinking alcohol) against cheaters. (This
paper by Cosmides and Tooby is the essential reference
for performance on the abstract Wason selection task and various
context-laden versions.)
Interestingly, this
strand of research has been largely left on the riverbed by the
current of research in psychology, economics, and the other
behavioural sciences aiming to improve real world outcomes through
policy changes and other “nudges”. The heuristics and biases
subset is used almost
exclusively by behavioural economists looking to add
psychological realism to their models, and it is also what has been
picked up the most by the media and popular press. The irony is that
while heuristics and biases describe mistakes, a number of ecological
rationality effects have shown robust ways of decreasing errors. In
my own opinion, this
paper by Gerd Gigerenzer should be read much more
widely due to its survey of how a number of famous cognitive
illusions can be reduced.
The positive result for
the field is that there are a number of psychological effects that
could be added to the behavioural scientist's toolbox of nudges. Many
researches are running randomised controlled trials in the field –
often drawing from a small set of techniques such as default options
or plain financial incentives. But we should also consider following
Wallace's strategy from The Wire: seeking to add real world
context for novel and unusual decision problems.
Take the world of
retirement saving. Trends in the industry are pushing individuals to
make a number of their own investment decisions, either alone or with
a financial adviser. This is a truly novel and difficult problem for
many of us: financial
theory is mathematically nuanced. We should focus on
creating an optimised portfolio of many different assets to minimise
risk for a given return. This is called diversification. Many people
completely naively: putting an equal amount into each
asset. In contrast, optimal diversification depends on the
correlation between assets. Risk reduction is enhanced when assets
are very different and hence display low correlations. Smart
investors should therefore diversify broadly between different asset
classes such as stocks, cash and property. Within a single asset
class, however, such as property, we should optimise (by buying the
best house possible). This is because there is much less
diversification benefit from buying two houses (especially if they
are in the same area), than there is from buying one house and owning
a portfolio of stocks.
The correct strategy is
fairly simple to implement but may simply not occur to many people
too busy to think about retirement, a time often far in the future
and lacking in salience. But perhaps adding familiar context to the
situation can be used as a frame to simplify the problem – like
Wallace, and in the drinking age problem. Here's one possibility.
Optimal diversification is similar to healthy eating. There are three
broad food groups, protein, carbohydrates and fats. Each food group
has further subgroups, such as (un-)saturated fats. Each food group
is essential to a healthy diet to meet the body's needs, but the best
subcategories should be emphasised (e.g. unsaturated fats, starchy
over sugary carbohydrates, and high quality sources of protein).
Diversify between groups, and optimise within them.
It's similar to the
optimal investment strategy. Maybe investment advice could be
promoted to the population with this useful context. People are
nowadays forced to make their own decisions in often unfamiliar
problems, where important information is often presented in an
unfamiliar context. Financial decision making is a game with its own
rules and mathematical structure, but the same can apply in say,
decision making, where the framing of risk is critical to good
outcomes. When it comes to “nudge” policy, there
are many ways of potentially adding context to simplify important
decision making tasks. My argument is that this possibility should be
explored in greater depth as a complement to more popular nudges such
as the use of default options, as the current standard techniques
fail to make use of many potentially beneficial psychological
effects. Maybe we could even start educating children as young as
Wallace's sister in this way.
Nice post Philip. That clip is fantastic as well.