
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Innovation Voucher Scheme - Scottish Funding Council

Innovation Voucher Scheme - Scottish Funding Council

General Information:
The new call for Innovation Voucher applications will be open from Monday 5 August 2013 and all applications should be sent to
A few minor changes have been noted by the funders including:
  • Open call for applications across all partner HEIs and no ring-fencing  of funds to ensure that there are no delays in supporting businesses
  • We know that deadlines can indeed help focus completion of applications and we encourage submission of applications on the first Monday of each month
  • Guidance notes and applications – these have now been revised so please ensure you read prior to completion of the application (at the bottom of this page)
  • In line with the recent independent review of Interface Food and Drink the team will be meeting with all the HEI partners to explain their new funding products in the next few weeks
The 2013-14 innovation vouchers programme will draw on a number of funders including SFC, ERDF, HIE, and SE.  Discussions are underway with respect to the programme of funding beyond August 2014 and so letting us know of impacts and follow on partnerships will help make this case compelling
About the SFC Innovation Vouchers:
The scheme is aimed at building relationships between SMEs (Small to Medium sized Enterprises) and HEIs (Higher Education Institutes) in Scotland. The proposed collaborative project should lead to new products, services and processes that will benefit the business, the institution and the Scottish economy.
The awards are specifically intended to encourage new partnerships that have not previously collaborated or jointly received funding from any source previously so as to build links between Scotland’s Higher Education Institutes and small businesses. In particular the vouchers should encourage a longer, sustained relationship between companies and HEIs rather than just offset the costs of the business purchasing a service from a HEI.
The scheme is broad in nature and encompasses all disciplines of academia from science, engineering and technology to arts, creative industries, humanities and social sciences. Likewise the range of company sectors can be from social enterprises to technology based companies so long as the eligibility criteria (below) are adhered to.
Support provided to eligible companies will include a contribution from European Structural Funds.
However funds may not be used to cover the costs of:
  • standard training courses
  • software purchases
  • aid that would promote/ subsidise the cost of exports
  • internships for students of knowledge institutions
  • design and production of advertising materials including websites and mobile applications
  • sales and marketing activities
Eligible costs include academic staff time, access to equipment and consumables to undertake the activities to be delivered during the project. A breakdown of the costs including staff costs for the actual work completed and other associated costs will be submitted with the final report and invoice. Eligible expenditure should be for activity explicitly set out in the approved application.
The award (for an individual project) is for up to £5000, with a minimum of £1000, and will be paid upon submission (and sign off) of an invoice and final report by the academic institution to and approval by the Scottish Funding Council to offset the costs of the collaborative project. The company contribution is expected to match the grant contribution from the Scheme either through cash or in kind (staff time materials, access to facilities etc). All expenditure must be clearly accounted for in a final report.
In ensuring maximum value for the scheme to benefit a wide range of institutions and businesses, both company and academic partners are encouraged to include some cash contributions from the company in the proposal. Bids should display that they are value for money, and not all be at the £5000 level.
There is follow on funding also available to existing partnerships that were previously awarded an innovation voucher.  Please follow this link for more information.
Related Case Studies
Other case examples can be found by visiting this link. 
How to Apply:
Please contact the Interface team if you would like further information or use our Contact us page.
All small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland (ie. those with a registration commencing SC) are eligible to partner with a HEI under the scheme. SME are organisations that are registered companies, employ between 1- 250 employees and have an annual turnover of less than £35 million.
Download this document: Innovation Voucher flyer (477.93 KB)

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