
Friday, August 02, 2013

3 year ESRC-funded Postdoctoral Fellowship at our Centre

Full details of this opportunity available at this link

The University of Stirling is seeking to appoint a post-doctoral researcher within the Behavioural Science Centre at Stirling Management School. The post-doctoral researcher will work with, and be responsible to Professor Alex Wood and Dr Christopher Boyce on an ESRC funded grant entitled “Individual Differences in the Impact of Socio-Economic Events on Health and Well-Being”. The post is on a fixed term, full-time basis for three years. The post is based at the University of Stirling and the project is run in collaboration with Professor James Banks (University of Manchester and the Institute of Fiscal Studies) and Professor Eamonn Ferguson (University of Nottingham) with whom the appointed person would also remotely work. 

The position would suit an outstanding early career academic, with the expectation being that they would develop a strong track record of high level publications on the topics of the grant to be published during the three year period. Applicants from all backgrounds are encouraged (including economics, psychology, and social and health sciences), although an ability to work with large datasets is essential, and an affiliation with the broad topics of the grant is an advantage. 

The successful candidate will join the newly developed Behavioural Science Centre ( Formed in 2012, the Behavioural Science Centre, directed by Professor Liam Delaney (an economist) and Professor Alex Wood (a psychologist), integrates approaches from their disciplines to better understand connections between economic, psychological, and health outcomes and their determinants. Behavioural science is the study of individuals and their interactions (exemplified by psychology). Based in Stirling Management School, the Behavioural Science Centre integrates this approach with social science, the study of the structure of organisations and societies (exemplified by economics and management). Such integrations can lead to revolutionary ways of understanding economics and organisations through incorporating a better understanding of the composing individuals. Although there have been many calls for such integration - and the award of a Nobel Prize for starting these - genuinely integrative approaches remain relatively rare. The Behavioural Science Centre is the only specialist centre within Scotland and one of the few within Europe. The centre is distinctive from other key UK centres through a primary focus on individual differences, health, and well-being, rather than cognitive science. The centre collaborates strongly with those other institutions to join our research. Integrating behavioural science with macroeconomic, organisational, and population health policy can bring about rapid improvements in operation and efficiency. The ideas developed in the field are increasingly being implemented in the design of new policies, across a range of areas from pension saving to energy. The centre has strong links with a range of organisations including Gallup Europe and the Scottish Government and work actively with many others to put the novel observations from the field into practice.

Candidates are invited to informally contact Professor Alex Wood with any queries at

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