
Saturday, February 07, 2015

Book and Journal Clubs: Suggestions welcome

We will be getting this back again quite shortly. We have been running offline journal clubs but an online version makes sense. As the heading says..suggestions welcome! But I will send a couple of starting topics shortly. 

We are currently running a virtual book club and seminar series aimed at PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty associated with the behavioural work in Geary and Stirling. If you would like to be included and haven't already been emailed, please let me know. Due to technology constraints, spaces are very limited so will not at present be able to make them more widely available though if you are a loyal reader working in this space and want to be involved let me know by email and we can try to accommodate. For students interested in this and related topics, see details of our MSc in Behavioural Science which is currently taking applications.



Friday February 20th 2pm: "Early Childhood Investments Substantially Boost Adult Health" Liam Delaney


Monday May 13th 11.30am: "Time to Cook: Expenditure at Retirement in Spain" Bernardo Fonsecas Nunes

Monday April 8th 11.30am: "Taxonomies of Behavioural Change Techniques" Michael Daly

Monday February 25th 11.30am: "Financial incentives to quit smoking". Liam Delaney

Monday February 4th 12pm:  "Using Google Trends Data to Study Economic Events & Mental Health". Michael Daly.


Monday November 5th 2pm: "Conti and Heckman: The Economics of Child Well-Being". Liam Delaney

Monday October 15th 2pm: "Comparing Day Reconstruction and Experience Sampling: Recent Papers". Michael Daly.

Thursday June 28th 2pm: "Cass Sunstein Empirically Informed Regulation". Liam Delaney

Friday June 22nd 2pm "Ed Glaeser Triumph of the City" Clare Delargy

Monday June 11th 2pm "Hasler, G. (2012). Can the neuroeconomics revolution revolutionize psychiatry?Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 36, 64-78 " Summary here

Friday May 18th 2pm: "Stability and change in personality over the lifecourse". List of papers and summary here. Michael Daly.

Friday May 11th 2pm: Journal summary of papers on genoeconomics. List of papers here. Michael Daly.

Friday May 4th 2pm: Journal summary on papers in personality and economics. List of papers here. Liam Delaney.

Friday April 27th 2pm: Journal club on two papers: "Influencing Behaviour the Mindspace Way" and "The behavioural change wheel: A new method for characterising behavioural change and interventions". Michael Daly.

Friday 13th April 2pm: Journal club on two papers: "What People Desire, Feel Conflicted About, and Try to Resist in Everyday Life"; and "Everyday Temptations: An Experience Sampling Study of Desire, Conflict, and Self-Control". Michael Daly.

Monday 2nd April 2pm: "Book Club on Ainslie, Breakdown of Will". Liam Delaney.

Friday 9th March 3pm: "Book Club on Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow". Clare Delargy.


Singer's "The life you can save"
Heckman on life-span development
Psychology's Ghosts (book review in WSJ here)
Handbook of Self-Control
Howard Rachlin on self-control  (e.g. classic article here)
Papers on culture and financial decision-making
Jon Elster "Nuts and Bolts for Social Sciences"
Baumeister new book on Willpower (link here )
Ariely upside of irrationality ( link here )
Dan Gilbert Stumbling on Happiness (link here )
Hershfield, H., Goldstein, D. G., Sharpe, W. F., Fox, J., Yeykelis, L., Carstensen, L. L., & Bailenson, J. N. (2011). Increasing Saving Behavior Through Age-Progressed Renderings of the Future Self. Journal of Marketing Research, XLVIII(November), S23-S37.

"Embodied economics: how bodily information shapes the social coordination dynamics of decision-making"

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