This is purely for illustration (due to relatively small numbers (~750) , and I'm mixing data from two waves), but it at least seems that diabetes is more common in Leinster. The overall rate of 7-8% seems low to me, at least for this age cohort (over 50s). I've also broken down the rate by type of area. Again not to be taken too seriously, the confidence intervals are wide. The data is from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe see
www.share-project.org. The full panel data set comprises over 30,000 individuals across Europe, has modules on too many domains to mention here, and is a fantastic resource for anyone interesed in social science. A summary of the Irish results from the first wave is available
here. Data collection for a life history wave has just been completed.
Type Of Area Of Residence | Diabetes Prevalence Rate |
A Big City | 0.11 |
The Suburbs Or Outskirts Of A Big City | 0.07 |
A Large Town | 0.07 |
A Small Town | 0.12 |
A Rural Area Or Village | 0.06 |
Average | 0.07 |
Interesting early research findings Mark.
When do you expect the report to be published?
John Peters
Hi John,
We hope to finish the next report in the coming months. Will post further details closer to the time.
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