
Monday, February 01, 2010

Some Links

1. Sendhil Mullainathan asks: what are the irrational choices we make that perpetuate poverty, corruption and discrimination? His lecture is on

2. Three Irish firms a day go bust

3. #2 is a reminder why we need enterprise boards. There is currently an invitation to tender for the Dublin City Enterprise Board Annual Report 2009

4. The Nudge Blog discussed the idea of price discrimination in relation to the iPhone (in 2008), and a similar approach has been suggested for understanding the economics behind Apple's new high-profile product: the iPad. It's interersting to note that Apple’s European Headquarters is based in Cork, Ireland where it employs over 1,000 people.

5. "advocate scientific and statistical methods as the best way of analyzing and solving society's problems."

6. The 2010 Conference of Applied Statistics in Ireland (CASI) will be hosted by the School of Computing and Information Engineering at the University of Ulster and will take place in the Ramada Hotel, Portrush from the 16th to the 18th May, 2010. The conference is organised under the auspices of the Irish Statistical Association.

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