
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Some Blog Links

1. A new report from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training: "The skill matching challenge: Analysing skill mismatch and policy implications". HT: Michael Egan. [The report is largely based on the contributions of Nigel O’Leary and Peter Sloane (Welmerc, School of Business and Economics, Swansea University), Seamus McGuinness and Philip O’Connell (ESRI – Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin) and Kostas Mavromaras (NILS – National Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia).]
"With global competition increasing, demographic change unfolding and rapid technological change intensifying, skill mismatch has come to the forefront of Europe’s policy debate (European Commission, 2008). Skill mismatch refers not only to skill shortages or gaps, but also to qualifications, knowledge and skills exceeding job requirements."
2. The U-S unemployment rate fell from 10 to 9.7 percent in January, but a Gallup poll out yesterday found that nearly one out of every five members of the country's workforce is underemployed. That's about 30 million Americans who are without jobs or unable to find full-time work.

3. NYT: "Economists fear that the nascent recovery will leave more people behind than in past recessions. Roughly 2.7 million jobless Americans will lose their unemployment check before the end of April... unless Congress approves the Obama administration’s proposal to extend the payments"

4. The Economist: God help the jobless

5. How business meetings are done at Google

6. Another Web 2.0 data-based (ad)-venture: Trendrr

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