Sunday, December 20, 2009

Independent Article on Graduate Unemployment

useful piece by Katherine Donnelly and John Walshe

link here 


Kevin Denny said...

At first glance, I thought "Well if 12% are unemployed that's close to the national average so not too bad". Then I realized that this data is probably from the 1st Destinations Survey and a big chunk of students are going on to further education and training. So lets say 40% stay on & lets ignore emigration. Then the "unemployment rate" is really 12/60= 20%. That's not too good.

Keith said...

Ouch! Those figures make for pretty stark reading. Is there a link to the results of that 1st Destinations Survey anywhere?

Talking after an exam last week the topic of jobs came up and the prospects for anyone looking for a job don't seem positive. Almost a feeling of 'what a waste of 3/4 years'.

Liam Delaney said...

keith - certainly no evidence that the 3/4 years has been wasted. as bad as things are for graduates, facing the current labour market without a qualification would be a lot worse.

Keith said...

I agree; although I say that as someone who's putting off that search for another year.

Kevin Denny said...

As Liam said, not wasted. Your education is a very good predictor of your lifetime earnings and the current mess won't last for ever.

The survey is published by the HEA but each university collects its own data so they may release some of them separately.

Liam Delaney said...

do you think we could make a few quid as agony uncles kevin? - "Dear Discontented in Terminfeckin". though i think tim harford has nailed that market.

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