Thursday, August 20, 2009

Openness - "a history of the Internet and its lessons for the future of business, politics, and society

That's the somewhat broad provisional title (though you can suggest your own to the author at his blog, linked above) of Johnny Ryan's new book. Johnny previously wrote ‘Countering Militant Islamist Radicalisation on the Internet: A User Driven Strategy to Recover the Web’ and The Next Leap: Competitive Ireland in the Digital Era, described as "Strategic Report on the Trends of Change in the Digital Sector, and Government Opportunities for Action, Based on the IIEA Digital Sector Stakeholders’ Consultation"

His new book is summarised thus:

The Internet is a centrifugal force, user driven and open. These three characteristics have asserted themselves throughout its history. Understanding them is the key to adapting to the new global commons, a political and media system in flux, and the future of competitive creativity.

Certainly the blog post paints an interesting picture - as well as one of the controversy about the word Openness - itself.

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