Wednesday, April 01, 2009

ESRI Policy Conference: The Labour Market in Recession

ESRI Policy Conference, 2009: The Labour Market in Recession
Date: Thursday April 30th 2009.
Time: 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Venue: The ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, D 2.

The Irish labour market is in crisis, with employment contracting and unemployment growing at an alarming rate. This conference will examine key issues to be addressed in framing an appropriate policy response to the crisis. The Policy Conference is targeted at policy-makers and others with an interest in the labour market.

8.30 Registration and coffee

09.10 Opening Address, Frances Ruane, Director ESRI

Session 1: Learning from Experience

09.20 Presentation of OECD Report: Activation Policies in Ireland, David Grubb, OECD

10.00 What Works? Applying Lessons from the 1990s, Philip O'Connell, ESRI

10.30 From Debt-crisis to Recovery: Finland in the 1990s, Jaakko Kiander, Director, Labour Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki.

11.10 Discussion and 11.20 Tea/Coffee

Session 2: Labour Market Behaviour

11.40 What do Migrants do in a Recession? Alan Barrett (ESRI)

12.10 Profiling the Unemployed in Ireland: Predicting Stayers and Leavers, Philip O'Connell, Seamus McGuinness and Elish Kelly, ESRI.

12.40 Discussion

01:00 Close

Registration is free but places are limited. Please visit our website at for further details and to book online. Alternatively please email or phone 353 1 8632000 with the name, organisation, and contact phone number and email address of the person who wishes to attend.

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