
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Student Loan Schemes Around the World

IZA DP No. 3588 - Hua Shen, Adrian Ziderman:

"Student Loans Repayment and Recovery: International Comparisons"

"Student loans schemes are in operation in more than seventy countries around the world. Most loans schemes benefit from sizeable built-in government subsidies and, in addition, are subject to repayment default and administrative costs that are not passed on to student borrowers. We probe two issues in this paper, for 44 loans schemes in 39 countries: how much of the original loan is an individual student required to repay (the "repayment ratio") and what percentage of the total costs of loans schemes can the lending body expect to receive back in repayments (the "recovery ratio")? The analysis shows considerable variation in the size of the repayment and recovery ratios across schemes. Moreover, many loans schemes exhibit sizeable built-in subsidies accruing to student borrowers – in over 40 percent of the schemes examined, the repayment ratio is 40 percent or less. Overall loans recovery is considerably lower."


  1. Anonymous9:44 pm

    The UK Student Loans Company publishes Statistical First Releases (SFRs) which include information on Student Finance awards (loan rates, loan take up, grants awarded, etc) and Student Loans debt and repayment.

    • The total amount lent to eligible HE students during financial year 2007-08 was £3,905.0m, a rise of 32.2% compared to 2006-07
    • Of this total, the amount lent to eligible HE students for Maintenance Loans during financial year 2007-08 was £2,835.5m, a rise of 10.4% when compared to 2006-07.
    • A further £1,069.5m relates to Tuition Fee Loans, a rise of 176.7% compared to 2006-07.
    • Repayments posted to customer accounts amounted to £633.5m (including £194.4m paid earlier than required) in the financial year 2007-08.

  2. Anonymous9:49 pm

    This page


    shows that the take up percentage has increased from 28% in 1990/91 to 79% in 2004/05.
