Again, thanks to the Freakonomics blog, i came across this site. very nice site. You could really learn a lot just by plotting some of these.
Most of the Irish data on the above site comes from the Durex sex survey, the results of which are listed below. Its amazing that they interviewed 340,000 people in 41 countries. I have to say though that the fact that respondents were recruited via the Durex website does make one somewhat cautious in interpreting the results.
Nationmaster is great for this also.
In the Global sex survey many of the countries in which a high proportion of people reported having unprotected sex with someone whose sexual history they did not know were also the same countries which resport high levels of interpersonal trust. The most trusting people are the Norwegians, followed by the Swedes, the Finish and then the Danes- these all appear in the top 7 countries for unprotected sex without knowing sexual history. A similar pattern is evident for those countries lower in unprotected sex and lower in interpersonal trust. Interesting that a relationship may exist on a national level. This may be explained by rising GDP which has been suggested to promote trust. A good sign if it is true, though this trust can have detrimental effects- excessive use of advertising with interpersonal trust theme, the spread of infection etc.