
Sunday, May 27, 2007

a couple of things i learned from May's Marginal Revolution

one of the most active blogs relevant to economics is maintained by Tyler Cowen and is called Marginal Revolution. Very eclectic blog that is very frequently posted. A few random things i learned from the current months posts

1. Danny Glover has a degree in economics

2. Norway is an interesting though expensive country

3. Zimbabwe is going to lead the UN Commission on Sustainable Development

4. A good thought experiment that shows that tipping is motivated by fear of dissapproval (May 16th)

5. The US government were worried at one stage last year that Canadian coins were being used as spying devices (may 7th) - a peculiar story

6. he has some nice posts called "markets for everything" including a horrible crime-spree in Baghdad whereby gangs are kidnapping corpses and selling them back for burial.

7. The FED has got some pretty high publishing economists (the blog lists 5 in the top 1000 publishing eocnomists)

8. the debates on Bryan Caplan's work and Libertarian Paternalism are worth looking at.


  1. Schwarzenegger has a degree in economics also Arsene Wenger.

  2. Anonymous2:31 pm

    And so does Mick Jagger.
