Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jesse Shapiro

Jesse Shapiro's work is very relevant to a lot of the stuff we have been talking about with regard to time preferences and behavioural economics. A selection of his papers is below. The daily discount rate paper is particularly useful with regard to some of the discussions we have been having. I really like the idea behind the prison paper. Them's is clever folks over there.

Who is "behavioral"? Cognitive ability and anomalous preferences. (with Daniel Benjamin)Draft, May 2006. [pdf] [appendix]
Does prison harden inmates? A discontinuity-based approach. (with Keith Chen)Draft, December 2006. [pdf]
Is there a daily discount rate? Evidence from the food stamp nutrition cycle.Journal of Public Economics, February 2005. [pdf] Link to published version here.
Media, education, and anti-Americanism in the Muslim world. (with Matthew Gentzkow)Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2004. [pdf] Copyright 2004, American Economic Association.
Why have Americans become more obese? (with David Cutler and Edward Glaeser)Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2003. [pdf] Copyright 2003, American Economic Association.

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