Thursday, March 01, 2007

Peer Effects and Decision-Making

Found a really good blog today: "New Economist"

The most recent post is about the effects of peer pressure on subject choice. Its based on an article by Giacomo De Giorgi (Stanford), Michele Pellizzari (IGIER-Bocconi) and Silvia Redaelli (Bocconi) which is called Be As Careful of the Books You Read as of the Company You Keep. Evidence on Peer Effects in Educational Choices

These authors identify the endoegenous effect of peers on decision-making and do so at what seems to be the cutting edge in the literature. They also document their work in a very clearly written paper, so it's a must-read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the "New Economics" blog is the list of economics blogs on the right-hand side of the screen. Its the most comprehensive I've seen.