Saturday, March 24, 2007

I came across this article from Wired,70487-0.html discusses Steven Johnson's Everything Bad Is Good For You - which I reviewed here back in the day: Essentially it discusses how computer games designers, no doubt eager to broaden their consumer base, are producing games promoted as cognitive workouts.

I wonder are there products available which aim to modify behaviour in this way. I do know from the cognitive-behavioural therapy point of view, the Fearfighter program has been introduced to deliver CBT for anxiety disorders and phobia. Has a computer games based approach been tried to modify other behaviours?

1 comment:

Liam Delaney said...

computer simulations are used now in lots of marketing situations including public health marketing. i know also that a lot of physiotherapists are even using games to correct posture. We are currently looking for web interface models to feed in to some of our survey work in areas like career choice.