Thursday, January 18, 2007

two minutes to midnight

For those of you familiar with the US Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, you will be heartened to know that they've put their clock forward to two minutes to midnight (midnight being the end of the world). They have maintained this clock since the 50s and it forms an interesting though crude backdrop for the risk perception work.


Liam Delaney said...

i wouldn't bet my house on it (if i owned one) but that "danger curve" looks pretty stationary so hopefully things will get a bit more heated in the world and then settle down again.

Ken said...

That atomic clock thing puzzled me a little yesterday - apparenlty, it's resourced by a consultancy team of 18 Nobel laureates, so we're reasonably certain this is a good indicator, etc. However, one of the press releases said that the current level of atomic danger is now worse than at any time since 1945, and specifically refers to Hiroshima & Nagasaki. It looks like they're lacking a humanities laureate in the press room, as surely the Cuban Missile Crisis was worse in terms of incipient atomic threat than the vague talk of dirty bombs / untested Iranian / N. Korean capacities, etc?