Monday, September 30, 2013

The dynamics of daily well-being in Major Depression.

New center researcher Eimear Crowe will present Wednesday at 2pm in 2B87 on her PhD research.

The dynamics of daily well-being in Major Depression.
Global measures of well-being are prone to a number of biases, and are therefore not always an accurate indicator of a person’s day-to-day, moment-to-moment well-being (Kahneman et al, 1997). This talk will explore the measurement of well-being and will compare global well-being measures with measures of momentary affect or ‘experienced utility’, such as the Day Reconstruction Method and Experience Sampling Method. The value of using such momentary measures in the study of both psychological and biological well-being in clinical samples will be discussed.

Finally, results from an Experience Sampling study of individuals with Major Depression will be presented, demonstrating the dynamics of diurnal patterns of some key symptom constructs in the disorder (negative affect, suicidality, anhedonia and self-esteem). The implications of these diurnal patterns in terms of the psychological and physical well-being and treatment of Depression will be discussed.

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