Saturday, August 21, 2010

I-Phone Apps

If anyone has developed decent i-phone apps for doing surveys, please feel free to get in contact or put them on the comments section. At present, we are in the process of developing one for helping us conduct time discounting and related studies here in the Institute. I linked recently to the Mappiness app and I know a number of readers of the blog who started using it. The main barrier to using iphone apps at present is, of course, the limited penetration of iphones. However, as someone who has engaged in every conceivable form of survey work it is obvious to me that, if cost were not an issue, that the iphone is practically a perfect mode for conducting behavioural economics research and I am very interested to see the types of things that people develop. We are beginning work on an app that will work on any smart phone and will be used as an ajdunct to our internet survey panel work. This is still very limited in terms of coverage but a leap forward in terms of being able to do the type of experimental research "in the wild" that is really needed to develop empirical behavioural economics research.

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