Saturday, April 03, 2010

Economics and Psychology Ireland: Third Annual Meeting

Details of last year's event are linked here

Last year, Professor Arie Kapteyn provided a keynote lecture. We also heard a number of talks outlining interesting new research in areas such as experimental economics, online surveys, neuroeconomics, real-time tracking studies and so on. We also, more so than in the first year, had a lot of discussion about the relevance of these new areas of research for policy and business, something that has been followed up on in a number of ways (more to follow on this).

This was a very valuable meeting in my opinion and I am happy to take the running on organising this again for the same time this year. I will post details of exact dates and venue in the next couple of weeks (It will be November and likely in Dublin). It would be good for now if people could think of suggestions for having a good meeting again this year.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide a national venue for people working on topics at the intersection of economics, psychology and cognate disciplines. The most relevant international venue is the IAREP conference that is taking place in Cologne in September. Deadline for submission to this is looming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to see the authors of the NCI eye-tracking study present at the conference.

Will send on any further suggestions.