Saturday, April 05, 2008

Behavioural Economics is the New Rock'n'Roll

Or the New Black? Or the New Gardening? Or the New Behavioural Economics?

Don't you love snowclones? They are the little journalistic formulations that are beloved of subeditors stuck for a headline and lazy writers padding out their prose. There's a whole rake of them here (as you can see, I've become somewhat addicted to trying to find other ones. There's an entertaining article about the phenomenon here


Kevin Denny said...

If behavioural economics is the new rock'n'roll then Liam Delaney is the new..
A prize will be awarded for the best suggestion.

Kevin Denny said...

Keith Richards

Liam Delaney said...

behavioural economics is not the new rock and roll - the biggest argument against it is that it is only a fad like a music genre whereas it is only a continuation of the traditional methods of thinking about human behaviour incorporating things like complex motivations.

it is interesting to speculate why it has become so popular in the last few years with a more general audience. partly driven by new technologies like blogs and partly by some big efforts on behalf of publishers to make it sexy to a mass audience. in fairness though, many of the popular books like Gigerenzer and Ariely are actually very good so in general this is a positive thing.